Vba If Worksheet Name Is. VBA Examples to Insert a New Sheet: Name new sheet, name sheet from a cell value, insert sheet before or after another sheet, insert if not exist Create Sheet if it Doesn't Already Exist. In the above image, the sheet name is 'SheetName' and the code name is 'CodeName'.
Create Worksheets From List of Names. In VBA, to name a worksheet doesn't need any special skills. Hi, Worksheet codenames seem to have tighter limitations than worksheet names, and because codenames are, at the moment, set to the same value as the worksheet name, under certain conditions, a generated XLSM file will throw errors when. , Fortran to Visual basic via Commodore basic and Qbasic.
Worksheets - Worksheets is a collection object which contains all the individual Worksheet objects in a workbook.
In this chapter you will learn how to use Excel formula, Worksheet function and VBA Function by using the VBA.
For a version of this tip written specifically for later versions of Excel, click here: Dynamic Worksheet Tab Names. In fact any approach that tries to return a worksheet may return Nothing, so you should always check if a valid worksheet was set. Not what you notice is that compared to acquiring the Worksheet by its VBA Name, when using the defaults Worksheets or Sheets object you land with the said Worsheet, but from the ActiveWorkbook.