Grade 3 English Language Worksheets. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) provide a framework of educational expectations for students in reading, writing, and other language skills. Language is an important skill to develop.
Can also be used for students with communication challenges. Comparisons and contrasts author's styles and purposes (e.g. author study) are common. There are some sample worksheets below each section to provide a sense of what to expect.
So you have a third grader?
This is the language worksheets section.
Comparisons and contrasts author's styles and purposes (e.g. author study) are common. The big ideas in Third Grade ELA include moving from decoding words to learning more about what words mean and starting to express abstract ideas; identifying and discussing main ideas, characters, plot, setting, and theme; and writing clear sentences and paragraphs; and learning root words. Practice pronouns, verb tenses, and more with crosswords, story prompts, and other fun printables.